‘Luke’s theology of prayer’. Christianity Today (22 December 1972): 6-8.
Conn, Harvie M. ‘Can I be spiritual … and at the same time human?’. The Other Side 9:5 (September-October 1973): 16-19, 42-47.
Conn, Harvie M. ‘God’s harvest day (Luke 10:2)’. In A world to win: preaching world missions today. Edited by Roger S. Greenway. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1975, 29-38.
Conn, Harvie M. ‘A world to win (Acts 1:8)’. In A world to win: preaching world missions today. Edited by Roger S. Greenway. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1975, 91-103.
Conn, Harvie M. ‘The mission of the church’ In Evangelicals and Liberation. Edited by Carl E. Armerding. Phillipsburg: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1977, 60-89.
Conn, Harvie M. ‘Contextualization: where do begin?’ In Evangelicals and Liberation. Edited by Carl E. Armerding. Phillipsburg: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1977, 90-119.
Conn, Harvie. ‘Contextualization: a new dimension for cross-cultural hermeneutic’. In Evangelical Missions Quarterly 14 (1978): 39-46.
Conn, Harvie M. Response to David C. Jones, “Who are the poor?”. Evangelical Review of Theology 2:2 (October 1978): 229-235.
‘The church’s mission to all the lost’. Reformed Review 32 (Spring 1979): 141-149.
‘Models of ministry for the 1980s’. Journal of Pastoral Practice 3:3 (1979): 109-120.
‘The money barrier between sending and receiving churches’. Evangelical Review of Theology 4:1 (1980): 62-69.
Conn, Harvie. ‘Contextual theologies: the problem of agendas’. Evangelical Missions Quarterly 15:3 (July 1991): 207-222.
‘Urban Mission’ In Toward the 21st century in Christian mission. Edited by James M. Philips and Robert T. Coote. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1993.
‘A contextual theology of mission for the city’ In The good news of the kingdom: mission theology for the third millennium. Edited by Charles van Engen, Dean S. Gilliland and Paul Pierson. Maryknoll: Orbis, 1993.
Conn, Harvie. M. Contemporary world theology: a layman’s guidebook. Nutley, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1973.
Theological perspectives on church growth. Presbyterian and Reformed, 1976.
Conn, Harvie M. Bible studies on world evangelization and the simple lifestyle. Phillipsburg: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1981.
Conn, Harvie M. Eternal word and changing worlds: theology, anthropology, and mission in trialogue. Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 1984.
Conn, Harvie M. Evangelism: doing justice and preaching grace. Phillipsburg, New Jersey: P&R Publishing, 1992.
Harvie M. Conn. The American city and the evangelical church: an historical overview. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1994.
A clarified vision for urban mission. Zondervan,
Harvie M. Conn and Manuel Ortiz. Urban ministry: the kingdom, the city, & the people of God. InterVarsity, 2001.
Books Edited
Islam in East Africa: an overview. Islamic Research Institute, 1978.
Conn, Harvie M. and Samuel F. Rowan. Editors. Missions and theological education in world perspective. Farmington, Michigan: Associates of Urbanus, 1984.
Conn, Harvie M. ed. Reaching the unreached: the old-new challenge. Phillipsburg: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1984.
Conn, Harvie M. ed. Inerrancy and hermeneutic: a tradition, a challenge, a debate. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1988.
Conn, Harvie M. ed. Practical theology and the ministry of the church, 1952-1984: essays in honor of Edmund P. Clowney. Phillipsburg: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1990.
Conn, Harvie M. ed. Planting and growing urban churches: from dream to reality. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1997.